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Hi, my name's Donna. I'm a 20 year old Literature and History Student you likes to read (a lot) and make youtube videos.

Currently reading

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
John Boyne
A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin I'm not entirely sure how I felt about this book over all. With Storm of Swords being so good this did come across as a bit of a disappointment. It's almost as if we're at step one again and George has a lot of things he has to set up for the story to go forward. I'm ok with this, but it did make for a slower book and I just didn't enjoy it as much. I'm also really unsure how I feel about the way he decided to structure this (along side A Dance of Dragons) I'll make a verdict on it when I've read that I guess. I'll be recording a booktalk during the week to discuss my thoughts in more detail.